What is HTML <embed> Tag

The <embed> tag defines a container for an external resource, such as a web page, a picture, a media player, or a plug-in application.


Most browsers no longer support Java Applets and Plug-ins.

ActiveX controls are no longer supported in any browsers.

The support for Shockwave Flash has also been turned off in modern browsers.


To display a picture, it is better to use the <img> tag.

To display HTML, it is better to use the <iframe> tag.

To display video or audio, it is better to use the <video> and <audio> tags.

How to create An embedded image

The embed element
Example: HTML
<embed type="image/jpg" src="https://horje.com/avatar.png" width="300" height="200"> 

Output should be:

How to create An embedded image

How to create An embedded HTML page

The embed element
Example: HTML
<embed type="text/html" src="https://horje.com/learn/665/what-is-html-em-tag"  width="500" height="200">

Output should be:

How to create An embedded HTML page

How to create An embedded video

embedded video
Example: HTML
<embed type="video/webm" src="https://www.w3schools.com/tags/movie.mp4" width="400" height="300">

Output should be:

How to create An embedded video

What Browser will support for HTML embed Tag

What Browser will support for HTML embed Tag

Attributes for HTML <embed> Tag

Attribute Value Description
height pixels Specifies the height of the embedded content
src URL Specifies the address of the external file to embed
type media_type Specifies the media type of the embedded content
width pixels Specifies the width of the embedded content

How to set Default CSS Settings for HTML <embed> Tag

Most browsers will display the <embed> element with the following default values
Example: HTML
embed:focus {
  outline: none;

Output should be:

How to set Default CSS Settings for HTML <embed> Tag

How to add HTML <embed> height Attribute

A picture with a height and width of 200 pixels.

Definition and Usage

The height attribute specifies the height of the embedded content, in pixels.

Tip: Use the width attribute to specify the width of the embedded content.

Browser Support


<embed height="pixels">

Attribute Values

Value Description
pixels The height of the embedded content, in pixels (i.e. height="100")
Example: HTML
<!DOCTYPE html>

<h1>The embed height and width attributes</h1>

<embed type="image/jpg" src="https://horje.com/avatar.png" width="200" height="200">


Output should be:

How to add HTML <embed> height Attribute

How to add HTML <embed> src Attribute

An embedded picture.

Definition and Usage

The src attribute specifies the address of the external file to embed.

Browser Support


<embed src="URL">

Attribute Values

Value Description
URL Specifies the address of the external file to embed.

Possible values:

  • An absolute URL - points to another web site (like href="http://www.example.com/hello.swf")
  • A relative URL - points to a file within a web site (like href="hello.swf")
Example: HTML
<embed src="https://horje.com/avatar.png">

Output should be:

How to add HTML <embed> src Attribute

How to add HTML <embed> type Attribute

A picture with a specified media type.

Definition and Usage

The type attribute specifies the Internet media type (formerly known as MIME type) of the embedded content.

Browser Support


<embed type="media_type">

Attribute Values

Value Description
media_type The Internet media type of the embedded content.
Look at IANA Media Types for a complete list of standard media types.
Example: HTML
<embed type="image/jpg" src="https://horje.com/avatar.png">

Output should be:

How to add HTML <embed> type Attribute

How to add HTML <embed> width Attribute

A picture with a height and width of 200 pixels.

Definition and Usage

The width attribute specifies the width of the embedded content, in pixels.

Tip: Use the height attribute to specify the height of the embedded content.

Browser Support


<embed width="pixels">

Attribute Values

Value Description
pixels The width of the embedded content, in pixels (i.e. width="100")
Example: HTML
<embed type="image/jpg" src="https://horje.com/avatar.png" width="200" height="200">

Output should be:

How to add HTML <embed> width Attribute

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Single Articles
How to create An embedded imageHTML Tag
How to create An embedded HTML pageHTML Tag
How to create An embedded videoHTML Tag
What Browser will support for HTML embed TagHTML Tag
Attributes for HTML <embed> TagHTML Tag
How to set Default CSS Settings for HTML <embed> TagHTML Tag
How to add HTML <embed> height AttributeHTML Tag
How to add HTML <embed> src AttributeHTML Tag
How to add HTML <embed> type AttributeHTML Tag
How to add HTML <embed> width AttributeHTML Tag

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Web Tutorial
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1 year ago
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Reffered: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_embed.asp

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