What is HTML <tr> Tag

Definition and Usage

The <tr> tag defines a row in an HTML table.

A <tr> element contains one or more <th> or <td> elements.

Browser Support

Global Attributes

The <tr> tag also supports the Global Attributes in HTML.

Event Attributes

The <tr> tag also supports the Event Attributes in HTML.

How to create HTML <tr> Tag

It is A simple HTML table with three rows; one header row and two data rows.
Example: HTML

Output should be:

How to create HTML <tr> Tag

How to align content inside <tr> (with CSS) on HTML <tr> Tag

Right-align content in second table row.

Example: HTML
 <table style="width:100%">
  <tr style="text-align:right">

Output should be:

How to align content inside <tr> (with CSS) on HTML <tr> Tag

How to add background-color to a table row (with CSS) on HTML <tr> Tag

Add background color to first table row.

Example: HTML
  <tr style="background-color:#FF0000">

Output should be:

How to add background-color to a table row (with CSS) on HTML <tr> Tag

How to vertical align content inside <tr> (with CSS) on HTML <tr> Tag

Vertical align content in table rows.

Example: HTML
 <table style="height:200px">
  <tr  style="vertical-align:top">
  <tr style="vertical-align:bottom">

Output should be:

How to vertical align content inside <tr> (with CSS) on HTML <tr> Tag

How to create table headers on HTML <tr> Tag

Table Headers
  1. Horizontal headers
  2. Vertical headers
Example: HTML
    <td>John Doe</td>
    <td>[email protected]</td>

Output should be:

How to create table headers on HTML <tr> Tag

How to create a table with a caption on HTML <tr> Tag

The caption element.

Example: HTML
  <caption>Monthly savings</caption>

Output should be:

How to create a table with a caption on HTML <tr> Tag

How to define table cells that span more than one row or one column on HTML <tr> Tag

Colspan and rowspan
  1. Cell that spans two columns.
  2. Cell that spans two rows.
Example: HTML
    <th colspan="2">Phone</th>
    <td>John Doe</td>
    <td>[email protected]</td>

Output should be:

How to define table cells that span more than one row or one column on HTML <tr> Tag

How to set Default CSS Settings on HTML <tr> Tag

Most browsers will display the <tr> element with the following default values.

Example: HTML
tr {
  display: table-row;
  vertical-align: inherit;
  border-color: inherit;

html tr

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Single Articles
How to create HTML <tr> TagHTML Tag
How to align content inside <tr> (with CSS) on HTML <tr> TagHTML Tag
How to add background-color to a table row (with CSS) on HTML <tr> TagHTML Tag
How to vertical align content inside <tr> (with CSS) on HTML <tr> TagHTML Tag
How to create table headers on HTML <tr> TagHTML Tag
How to create a table with a caption on HTML <tr> TagHTML Tag
How to define table cells that span more than one row or one column on HTML <tr> TagHTML Tag
How to set Default CSS Settings on HTML <tr> TagHTML Tag

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3 weeks ago
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Reffered: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_tr.asp

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