What is HTML Multimedia

Multimedia on the web is sound, music, videos, movies, and animations.

Multimedia comes in many different formats. It can be almost anything you can hear or see, like images, music, sound, videos, records, films, animations, and more.

Web pages often contain multimedia elements of different types and formats.

Browser Support

The first web browsers had support for text only, limited to a single font in a single color.

Later came browsers with support for colors, fonts, images, and multimedia!

Multimedia Formats

Multimedia elements (like audio or video) are stored in media files.

The most common way to discover the type of a file, is to look at the file extension.

Multimedia files have formats and different extensions like: .wav, .mp3, .mp4, .mpg, .wmv, and .avi.

Reffered: https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_media.asp

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HTML Multimedia
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HTML Multimedia
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