How to Install VestaCP on Ubuntu VPS/Dedicated Server

VestaCP step-by-step installation guide

  1. Connect to your server via SSH and switch to the user with root rights. We have shown to do it in the previous article.

Step-1: Upgrate SUDO APT

Run following command on Putty or Terminal of Bidvise using root login.
Example: COMMAND
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Step-2: Download the installation Package.

It will download the Vestacp Package.

Run following command.

Example: COMMAND
curl -O http://vestacp.com/pub/vst-install.sh

Output should be:

Step-3: Change the permissions.

Run the following command to change the in vst-install.sh permission.

Example: COMMAND
sudo chmod +x vst-install.sh

Step-4: Start Installation of Vestacp

  1. Run Following Command to start Installtion Vestacp
  2. Follow the steps to enter Email, Hostname, Port etc
  3. It may take some time depending on your server.
  4. After installing finished, Save Username and Password to You.
Example: COMMAND
sudo ./vst-install.sh --force

Output should be:

Reffered: https://bluevps.com/blog/how-to-install-vestacp-on-ubuntu-20-04


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