
List of Command

Ctrl + a and c – Open a new screen window. Ctrl + a and " – List all open windows. Ctrl + a and 0 – Switch to window 0 (or any other numbered window). Ctrl + a and A – Rename the current window. Ctrl + a and S - Split the screen horizontally, with the current window on top. Ctrl + a and | - Split the screen vertically, with the current window on the left. Ctrl + a and tab – Switch focus between areas of the split screen. Ctrl + a and Ctrl + a – Switch between current and previous windows. Ctrl + a and n – Switch to the next window. Ctrl + a and p – Switch to the previous window. Ctrl + a and Q – Quit all other windows except the current one.. Ctrl + a and X – Lock the current window. Ctrl + a and H – Create a running log of the session. Ctrl + a and M – Monitor a window for output (a notification pops up when that window has activity). Ctrl + a and _ - Watch a window for absence of output (such as when a file finishes downloading or a compiler finishes).

Single Articles
Check Screen VersionLinux Screen Command
Install Screen on Centos Linux Server if so far not installedLinux Screen Command
Install Screen on Debian or Ubuntu Linux Server if so far not installedLinux Screen Command
Now, Start Screen on LinuxLinux Screen Command
List of Screens which are running in Linux ServerLinux Screen Command
Go to listed ScreenLinux Screen Command
Remove or Stop running screenLinux Screen Command
List of CommandLinux Screen Command

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Linux Screen Command
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