
Tips (Total 1)

# Tips-1) How to install Vestacp on Linux Server

What is Vestacp?

Vesta is an open source Hosting Control Panel that is free to use under GPLv3. It provides an easy to use control panel that allows the management of websites, DNS, mail, backups, and more!

System Requirements
  1. Ram must be 512 mb
  2. CPU 1 Core
  3. Disk Space 20 GB
What OS supports Vestacp
  1. RHEL / CentOS5, 6, 7
  2. Ubuntu12.04 - 18.10
  3. Debian7, 8, 9

1. Open Putty/Bitvise SSH Client

Here is Bitvise Download Link

  1. Then, Put Hostip
  2. and Username
  3. and Password
  4. then Login

Output should be:

2. Run following command on Terminal

When you run following command on Terminal then It will download the Package.

Example: COMMAND
curl -O https://vestacp.com/pub/vst-install.sh

Output should be:

3. Finally Run Install Command on Terminal

The command will happen these things
  1. It will start installing the Panel.
  2. It will appear some option you will have to select them.
  3. If all things are good then It will take 3-5 mins to install.
  4. After installing done, You will see login port then Save them.
Example: COMMAND
bash vst-install.sh

Output should be:

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