How to read a txt file from a zip remote URL

Here makes it simple.

How it will work?

  1. First, It will download the zip file to path
  2. Second, It will extract text file that you want to read to index.php
  3. Third, It will auto delete zip file which saved path,

How to read a text file inside zip file of a remote url using PHP

Follow the following codes.

Install Guide.

  1. Create a folder named path in your domain
  2. Change folder permission of folder: path
  3. Create a file named index.php in your domain
  4. Insert following code inside index.php
  5. Replace Line 3 and add your remote url.
  6. Replace Line 14 #wpforms-lite/readme.txt and add Your Zip File's txt destination.
  7. Save it and Run into Browser.


Example: PHP

$url = 'https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/wpforms-lite.';
$destination_dir = 'path/';
if (!is_dir($destination_dir)) {
    mkdir($destination_dir, 0777, true);
$local_zip_file = basename(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH)); // Will return only 'some_zip.zip'
if (!copy($url, $destination_dir . $local_zip_file)) {
    die('Failed to copy Zip from ' . $url . ' to ' . ($destination_dir . $local_zip_file));

// Change the txt file location which is inside of the zip file Example: #wpforms-lite/readme.txt
$result = file_get_contents('zip://path/'.$local_zip_file.'#wpforms-lite/readme.txt');

# Display txt file's texts
echo '<xmp>'.$result.'</xmp>';

$result = file_get_contents('zip://path/'.$local_zip_file.'#readme.txt');
echo $result;

$zip = new ZipArchive();
if ($zip->open($destination_dir . $local_zip_file)) {

    // Clear zip from local storage:
        unlink($destination_dir . $local_zip_file);

Output should be:

How to read a text file inside zip file of a remote url using PHP

php zip

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How to read a text file inside zip file of a remote url using PHPPHP Extract Tutorial

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